Jo Allan
Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Accredited Sports Dietitian12Jo is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) and an Accredited Sports Dietitian (ASD) with over 20 years experience in Australia and England. Her formal qualifications include Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) and Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) degrees from the University of Wollongong.
A passion for sport led Jo through further study at Deakin University, the Australian Institute of Sport and Sports Dietitians Australia, to become an Accredited Sports Dietitian and a member of Sports Dietitians Australia.
Jo has been associated with the Central Coast Academy of Sport as a preferred provider of Sports Nutrition Services, since its foundation.
As a young person, Jo was an Elite Gymnast and competed at State, National and International levels. These days in summer, Jo enjoys competing in short course triathlon, and in winter, endurance and trail running events.
Jo’s clinical interests include:
Sports Nutrition (triathlon, running, swimming, diving, dance, cross fit, adventure racing)
Nutrition for optimum immunity
Gut health
Eating Disorders
Weight Management
Diabetes & Heart Disease
Latest Blogs
Iron Deficiency in Athletes
Why is Iron Important for Athletes? Iron is essential for many bodily functions including oxygen transport, energy metabolism, cognitive and immune function. If iron stores become compromised the body is not able to receive the amount of oxygen required for optimal energy production. For an athlete, this means having an adequate source of iron is […]
How to Train Effectively During the Off Season
Make the most of your off-season icon The off season can go one of two ways. You might train hard, physically and mentally to better yourself for the next year, or you might completely stop all exercise and dig yourself a hole. Here’s out top tips to make the most of your off-season and come […]
What to Eat Before a Run
You’re getting ready to go on your morning run and find yourself feeling a bit peckish but wait – what you could possibly eat before heading out that is going to tick all of the below boxes: • Give you energy but not side cramps • Fill you up enough – but not too full […]
Healthy Foods to add to the Lunchbox!
A collective groan is audible at the thought of another school year of having to prepare school lunches. As annoying as it is, healthy food at school is vital to fuel the brain for a full day’s learning.Here are some tips to help fuel your kids’ brains by providing healthy food for school. Breakfast – […]
I’ve dislocated my finger, what now, and when can I play again?
Following up from my recent blog “Its not just a ‘jarred’ finger” https://coastsport.com.au/its-not-just-a-jarred-finger/, I wanted to discuss when it is appropriate to get back into sports, especially ball sports after a finger dislocation. Getting back as quickly as possible is always the aim, but when is it appropriate to return? A dislocation is when the joint […]
Thoracic Rotation and Why It’s Important!
Do you have difficulty lifting your arms over head? Have trouble moving your neck? Have soreness throwing a ball? Can’t swim as fast as you previously could? All these activities can be affected and limited by a lack of thoracic rotation. We want a mobile thoracic spine, particularly for rotation and in turn, extension. If […]
Guidelines for Exercise during Pregnancy
Exercise is an important aspect of pregnancy and the research and consensus around exercise has changed a lot in the recent years with the benefits of exercise becoming much more apparent. Women with uncomplicated pregnancies should be encouraged to engage in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercise before, during and after pregnancy. Physical activity in pregnancy has […]
Get Your Feet Summer Ready
With the warm weather of summer well and truly upon us, here are a few foot care tips to keep your feet it top condition for the upcoming months. In the summer, many Australians wear thongs and flat sandals however this footwear generally doesn’t have the necessary support for our feet and ankles when worn […]
Warm up for your swim, ALWAYS
With summer fast approaching, Australia’s swimming season is about to get into full swing! Do you complete a warm up prior to getting in the pool or ocean? A prescribed warm up is essential to decrease the likelihood of injury, especially due to the utilisation of large muscle groups when swimming. It allows for increased […]
What is that pain in my shoulder?
Book in with one of our Physiotherapists to learn more about rotator cuff related shoulder pain! Book an appointment online!
Is this the best protein for young athletes?
Book in with Coast Sport Dietitian Jo Allan today by clicking the button below! Book an appointment online!
It’s Getting Hot in Here
If you do succumb to the heat, what should you do? Heat cramps, dizziness and fainting, heat exhaustion and heat stroke can all be caused by dehydration. If any of the above do occur, it is important that the activity is ceased and you move to q cool, quiet place. Increase your fluid intake and […]
The Window of Opportunity – The Off Season
The winter sports season has well and truly passed. Now we have had that time to rest and recover, we need to start looking at offseason conditioning. The offseason is often undervalued and neglected which becomes concerning given its integral role in the athlete’s development. It is near impossible to effectively develop muscle and strength […]
Healthy lunches at work
icon The work week tends to be jam packed with not only work, but domestic duties, looking after family, commuting, exercise and trying to find to relax, which can be hard at the best of times. This can make it hard to find the time to make lunches of a morning, which sometimes leads to […]
What dietary strategy is for you?
icon There are many diets out there; from low fat, paleo, ketogenic, sugar free, low carb and more. It can be confusing to know what information out there is correct, and what diets may be useful to follow or take inspiration from. Many diets can be categorised as a Fad Diet, meaning it promises fast […]
IBS and the low FODMAP diet
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common condition affecting the colon or large bowel where people have recurring bowel sensitivity issues. Approximately one in five Australians experience the symptoms of IBS at some point and is more common in women, particularly around the time of menstruation. IBS is characterised by recurrent abdominal pain along with […]
Keep your heart healthy
Heart Week 2019 icon In Australia, cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death, killing one Aussie every 12 minutes. This year Heart Week runs between the 28th April to 4th May, with the aim to encourage more people to understand their risk factors for heart disease and make sustainable changes to reduce their risk. […]
Nutrition for netball
With the netball season starting it is important to consider how we fuel for games for those consistent high-level performance! Nutrition is not only important to how we play but to how we train and recover during the week. At all levels of netball, the body’s anaerobic and aerobic systems are fired up, requiring players […]
Carbohydrate loading for a half marathon
icon The Central Coast half marathon (21.1km) coming up on Sunday the 25th of November. During a half marathon, there is a high reliance on the aerobic energy system however, efforts are also required for hills and/or sprint finishes so being fuelled to push through the 21.1km event will require both effective physical and nutritional […]
Coast Sport supports Central Coast Half Marathon
icon On Sunday 25th November 2018 at Memorial Park, The Entrance, NSW, thousands of running enthusiasts will be lacing up their sneakers in preparation for the popular Central Coast Half Marathon and 10km Fun Run. Leading local allied health provider, Coast Sport, is thrilled to be supporting the event again in their quest to get […]
Local girl following her dream to sporting greatness
Ashley Pernecker to compete in Canada icon Young aspiring Central Coast athlete, Ashley Pernecker has been selected to compete at the 2018 Track & Field Tour – Canada in July. At just 13 years of age, the pocket rocket is already an inspiration to many, juggling school and a heavy training schedule, she is one […]
Top Tips for Performance Nutrition
While competing in your chosen sport on the Central Coast, be it football, tennis, swimming or triathlons, it’s handy to have a nice succinct list of top tips for nutrition and sports performance! Check out the list below that our very own Accredited Sports Dietitian Jo Allan has prepared! 1. Come back to earthChoose whole […]
Nutrition and Swimming
Swimming and the Central Coast go hand in hand! Swimming requires a dedicated commitment to training, incorporating anaerobic fitness although aerobic metabolism increases the longer the distance. Because of high volumes of training and competitions it is important that sufficient nutrients are provided to the body for optimal performance and overall health. Training diet Training […]