Bec is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) and an Accredited Sports Dietitian (ASD) with close to 10 years’ experience working in sports nutrition. Her formal qualifications include a Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics (Honours) and a PhD in Human Physiology from the University of Newcastle.
Bec also works at the NSW Institute of Sport with the Swimming, Athletics & Winter programs (and previously Triathlon and Canoe Sprint) and provides nutrition support to a number of Regional Academies including Hunter, Central Coast, and Western Region Academies of Sport. Bec also consults to the Royal Australian Air Force, holds a casual teaching role at the University of Newcastle and is the nutrition provider for the elite sporting program at Newcastle Grammar School and the Aspire Netball program.
When she was younger, Netball was Bec’s chosen sport. Since then, Bec has participated in a number of short-course triathlon events.
Bec’s special interests include:
Sports Nutrition
- Individual & Team sports
- Day-to-day fuelling & recovery
- Race/competition planning
- Supplements
- Injury recovery
- Immunity
- Body composition
- Hydration & sweat testing
- Gut training
- Disordered eating / improving relationship with food