26 Sep

Training Load Management

What is Training Load?   “Training load” is a broad term describing total volume, intensity and type of physical activity an athlete undertakes during both training and competition.  External load: the physical work performed by an athlete. For example, distance run, amount of jumps performed, balls thrown. It van also be the duration, intensity or […]

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26 Aug

Sleep – Is it a Pain in the Neck?

Often when we think of pain we think of injury, as if the one is impossible without the other. It is easy for us to attempt to pinpoint a certain situation or event that caused us to be in pain such as lifting an object incorrectly or rolling an ankle playing basketball, however often pain […]

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30 May

Nutrients of importance for junior athletes

icon For a junior athlete to perform their best, eating patterns should be considered for their exercise participation while also meeting their requirements for growth and development. Food and fluid consumed by athletes of all ages can have a big impact on their ability to train, compete and recover and while nutritional needs vary from […]

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