Side lying windmill- for thoracic mobility
This exercise helps to increase thoracic rotation, why is this so important?
Well a decrease in thoracic mobility can lead to issues in the joints above and joints below, hence problems with the neck and lower back.
The thoracic spine is designed for flexion, extension and rotation. It is the most mobile area in the spine as opposed to the lumbar spine which is the most stable.
Today’s rounded posture from office work, computer work, plus tablets and smart phones use can lead to injuries and pain as well as have an impact on function and sports performance.
Having a more rounded upper back leads to a poking chin and bad neck posture which in turn can lead to neck pain and headaches.
A decrease in mobility and curvature of the thoracic spine will lead to an increase in the lumbar spine curve (lordosis) and an increase in loading of the joints which can predispose to injury.
Sports loved by Central Coast athletes such as golf, swimming, rowing, tennis and squash require rotation and all rely on the mobility of the thoracic spine. It is also important that the thoracic spine is mobile so that it can transfer energy and power to the upper and lower limbs. Even sports such as running are affected due to the weight transfer through the spine.
Breathing is another area which is impacted due to bad thoracic posture. Just correcting the posture, extending the thoracic spine and sitting upright can increase the lung capacity making it easier to breathe.
A simple yet effective method to ‘correct’ the thoracic spine is to think of lifting the sternum (the chest bone) one centimetre up towards the ceiling this should help to correct bad neck posture too.
How to perform the Side lying windmill:
Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions, holding for 2-3 seconds.
Thanks to our Accredited Exercise Physiologist Leigh-Anne McBride for preparing the November 2016 exercise of the month.
To book in with Leigh-Anne and find our how thoracic mobility may help assist you with your sporting goals, call us on 4356 2588 or use the book online button below!