Learn how to fuel and hydrate your body ahead of the City 2 Surf
If you are running in this week’s city to surf, you are probably looking forward to a taper week, knowing that have the “ks” under your belt, plus you can tick off the long slows, hills and threshold sessions…so what’s left to do? Plan your fuel and fluid before the race that’s what!
What makes the Sydney City-2-Surf a challenge is not only the crowds, but also the dreaded heartbreak hill, which is the halfway point of the race. The main cause of fatigue during the city to surf is running out of fuel (carbohydrate) and dehydration (not enough fluid). Getting your pre-race nutrition right is the key to making sure you still have plenty of fuel and fluid left in the tank, after heartbreak hill.
To make sure you have plenty of stored fuel (glycogen) ready to go, have a high carbohydrate meal the night before the race. Go for meals that contain pasta, or basmati rice, or quinoa or if you prefer potato, try and get the Nicola or Carisma varieties because they have a lower glycaemic index (GI).
The next meal to think about is the pre-race meal, a vital opportunity for a final top up of glycogen and fluid. Some options include: porridge, peanut butter on toast with juice, crumpets with banana, honey and water, or on-the-go snacks such as creamed rice, yoghurt and muesli, or flavoured milk and a muesli bar, if you are travelling a long way to race.
Just before the start, try and have small drink (about 200ml is enough) and a quick carb snack, such as a banana or a sports gel, to complete your nutritional preparation.
There are six drink stations on the course, try and use at least three during the run to ensure you are well hydrated.
Once you have finished the run and have your finishers medal around your neck, recovery nutrition is the next focus. Replenish the fuel and fluids you have spent, with the plethora of high carb food and fluid available, to ensure your give your body what it needs to recover, and start planning your next event.
Want to learn more about how to best fuel your body for running? Book in with our nutritionist Jo Allan by calling 4356 2588 or online by clicking here!