19 Jun

Turf Toe

Turf toe icon Turf toe is the common term used to describe a sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. Turf toe affects athletes in a range of different sports including football, soccer, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, and dance. It is commonly associated more with sports played on artificial surfaces. It is a condition […]

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19 Jun

Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendinopathy icon Achilles tendinopathy, often termed ‘Achilles tendonitis’ refers to pain and dysfunction relating to the Achilles region. It is typically an overuse injury and is most common in those in running or jumping based sports, due to the repetitive nature of the actions. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) […]

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05 Jun

Do you work on your feet all day?

Tips for when you work on your feet all day icon There are tons of occupations that require you to be on your feet for large portions of the day, while being up on your feet has its benefits, long hours on your feet and often lead to pain and fatigue in your feet and […]

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17 May

Chilblains and your feet

icon What are chilblains and how are they caused? Chilblains are usually the result of an abnormal vascular reaction to cold stimuli. Chilblains occur at any age and the most common cause is re-warming the feet to quickly, causing rapid dilation of minor blood vessels. Signs and symptoms usually include itchiness and redness followed by […]

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01 May

Mortons Neuroma

Mortons Neuroma: Causes and treatment icon Mortons Neuroma is a common and painful condition due to the compression and tension of the plantar digital nerves just before they enter the toes. Most commonly seen in the 3rd and 4th toes, however does affect the 2nd and 3rd toes. Morton neuroma can presents with a sudden […]

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04 Apr

Blister Management

How to manage blisters icon Blisters are a common problem for athletes and active people and can cause significant pain depending on their size. Improper management can lead to further tearing of the skin tissue, infection, bleeding, and increased pain. However, learning to care and treat blisters can reduce pain and damage to the skin. […]

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